Apartment 1 - Zuvicic - Insel Krk - Cizici

Ferienwohnung #10443
51514, Europa, Kroatien, Insel Krk ,Cizici.
Erholungsurlaub, Strandurlaub, Wanderurlaub
Parking lot is guarantee and the grill is available. Apartment has TV, air conditioning, satelite, coffee machine and big terase with a view on the sea. It suitable for people who like privacy because terase has view on sea and garden. It is distant from road and it has a nice shadow.Apartment has bedroom , bathroom , kitchen, living room. Apartment is in ground floor surrounded with garden. Accomodation for 3-4 persons.
Air conditioning isn't included in price. If you want it you need to pay extra 6 EUR for a day.
Pets - 5 EUR for a day
Internet - 1 EUR for a day
For 3rd person - 8 EUR for a day
Dusche, WC
Balkon/Terrasse, Garten, Grillmöglichkeit, PKW-Stellplatz
Gasherd, Elektroherd, Kühlschrank, Tiefkühlfach, Geschirreinrichtung
Radio, TV, Bettwäsche, Handtücher
Seniorengerecht, Kinder, Haustiere, Rauchen erlaubt, Langzeitmiete
Bootsverleih, Tennis, Fahrradverleih, Weinbau, Verkauf selbsterzeugter Produkte
Airport Omisalj Krk (14 Kilometer)
Railway Rijeka (60 Kilometer)
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