terrace in rome center

It can accomodate up to 10 persons.
Ferienwohnung #12003
00186, Europa, Italien, Latium ,rome.
Stadt und Kultururlaub
This apartment is composed by 2 large double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms with shower,2 livingrooms with a double sofabed and one has the kitchenette full equipped,one has a big kitchen from where is possible to go out in the iternal court.The apartment could be separate in two differents units by a locked door between the livingrooms. Please specify if you wish it separate The apartment is situated on the first floor of a liberty style building on Via del Corso.(lift available) Close by this unique location are many more of the most famous monuments, squares and streets of Rome - the Pantheon, Piazza Venezia, Campo de’Fiori, Piazza Navona, the Capitol, the Roman Forum, the Colosseum, Via del Corso, Piazza del Popolo, Villa Borghese, Villa Medici and Via Veneto. This is one of the most fascinating and exciting areas of Rome, and you will be able to find a wide range of bars and restaurants close to your apartment, especially near Piazza Navona and Campode’Fiori, and in the side streets of Via del Corso (which starts onPiazza del Popolo and ends on Piazza Venezia, both at walking distance from the apartment). Via del Corso is also a favourite shopping street for Romans and visitors alike when it comes to clothing and accessories, providing a varied relatively inexpensive shopping experience. Furthermore, all the most famous and exclusive Italian and international brands, from Bulgari to Cartier, Valentino, Prada andVersace, have stores in and around Via Condotti, close to Piazza di Spagna. As for public transportation, the apartment is 5/10 minutes on foot from the Line A metro stati "
Dusche, WC
Kleinkindausstattung, Klimaanlage, Aufzug
Gasherd, Elektroherd, Kühlschrank, Geschirreinrichtung
TV, Trockner, Bettwäsche, Handtücher
Seniorengerecht, Kinder, Rauchen erlaubt
Fiumicino (35 Kilometer)
Termini (10 Kilometer)
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