apartmani VESNA Supetar

If you want to book the apartment or if you want more information please contact me on my e-mail Greetings from Supetar ....
Appartment #15561
21400, Europa, Kroatien, Dalmatien, Split Insel Brac Vis Mitteldalmatien ,Supetar.
Erholungsurlaub, Strandurlaub, Stadt und Kultururlaub
Apartments Vesna
located above the old town of Supetar and have a wonderful view of Supetar Brac.Suitable for a family vacation. We have 4 apartments. Each apartment has 2 rooms (4 persons), kitchen, bathroom with shower, balcony overlooking the sea, tv, air ...
In the backyard grill and a large parking From the city we are located 10-15 minutes walk. If you want to spend a pleasant holiday in Supetar on the island with his family, then our apartments are ideal for your holiday ...
Dusche, WC
Balkon/Terrasse, Garten, PKW-Stellplatz
Elektroherd, Kühlschrank, Tiefkühlfach
TV, Bettwäsche
Seniorengerecht, Kinder
Beautiful natural surroundings, countless beaches and coves in the area, quality accommodation in private apartments and villas, a rich and varied restaurants, entertainment programs and opportunities for sport and recreation (soccer, tennis, diving), Supetar Brac meets the high standards of tourism.
Bootsverleih, Tauchen, Wasserski, Fahrradverleih, Verkauf selbsterzeugter Produkte
in 300 Meilen
deutsch, englisch
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