Hotel Vega

Hotel #22982
9649, Europa, Bulgarien, Varna ,Kranevo.
Erholungsurlaub, Strandurlaub, Stadt und Kultururlaub, Golfurlaub, Sport & Aktivurlaub
Several types of rooms, ranging from 2-beds to 6-beds. Perfect for families. We have 5 double-level apartments, 4 studio apartments, and 41 bedrooms. All rooms are cleaned daily. Air conditioning, refrigerator, and TV sets are standard. There is a restaurant and a grosser store on the premises. Equipped with kids playground. 200 meters from the beach. Room sizes vary between 24 to 70 m2. Prices vary between 30 for a 2-beds room to 90 Euro per day per room, depending on size.
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For bookings please contact +359 89 395 5399 or email <>
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The property staff is very friendly and speaks variety of languages, including German, English, and Russian. The atmosphere is very relaxing and promotes a sense of tranquility. We are very flexible and will strive to satisfy every little desire to the extent possible. Please go to <>
For bookings please visit <> or contact +359 89 395 5399 (also on Viber) or email <>
Dusche, WC
Balkon/Terrasse, Garten, Grillmöglichkeit, Kinderspielplatz, PKW-Stellplatz, Strandkorb
Spielzimmer, Klimaanlage, Aufzug, Safe
Elektroherd, Kühlschrank, Mikrowelle, Geschirreinrichtung, Gläser
TV, Waschmaschine, Bettwäsche, Handtücher, W-LAN, Gartenmöbel
Animateur, Reinigungspersonal, Chauffeur
Seniorengerecht, Rollstuhlgerecht, Kinder, Haustiere, Rauchen erlaubt, Langzeitmiete
Located few kilometers north of Golden Sands and very close to the Albena resort and the old historic town of Balchik.
In close proximity to Varna International Airport (30 min). Airport transfer available upon request. There are many historical hot spots in the area, dating back to the early years of the Bulgarian state, founded in 681 AD. Popular names are Aladja Manastir, Pliska, Preslav, Madara, etc.
Several golf courses and wineries are conveniently located around the vilage. Tourist and shopping trips to select locations can be arranged upon request.
Other attractions include beach combing, swimming, fishing, boat riding, water jets, parachute rides, and many others. Food is of great quality and can be found all around.
Please check
For inquiries and bookings please contact +359 89 395 5399 or email <>
Please visit <>
Kutschfahrten, Reitmöglichkeit, Bootsverleih, Segeln, Tauchen, Wasserski, Jagd, Paragliding, Fahrradverleih, Golf, Surfen, Angeln, Volleyball
Varna International (40 Kilometer)
Varna (30 Kilometer)
A2 (40 Kilometer)
in 30 Kilometer
deutsch, englisch, polnisch, russisch

I own hotel Vega in Kranevo, 30 km north of Varna, the sea capital of Bulgaria. We have 50 rooms, ranging from 2, 3, 4 beds rooms, studios, and mezonets with 5 beds. The hotel is 200 meters from the beach.
Ich besitze das Hotel Vega in Kranevo, 30 km nördlich von Varna, der Meereshauptstadt Bulgariens. Wir haben 50 Zimmer mit 2, 3, 4 Betten, Studios und Mezonets mit 5 Betten. Das Hotel ist 200
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