Rice Paddy Villa

Ferienvilla #9474
41110, Asien, Thailand, Udon Thani ,Udon Thani.
Erholungsurlaub, Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof, Urlaub mit dem Hund, Stadt und Kultururlaub, Wanderurlaub
Rice Paddy Villa is an impressive Thai vacation villa. Its beguiling private swimming pool looks out over verdant rice paddies. Situated in Udon Thani province in Northeast Thailand, it offers free transfers.
Rice Paddy Villa is accessed by a private woodland track, from which the first sight of the villa is the house's steeply pitched, terracotta tiled roof. The villa has 2 air-conditioned bedrooms, each with a large double bed and en-suite bathroom. The property also offers a fully equipped, modern Western kitchen, a large living & dining room, a media room, a sala for outdoor dining, a veranda, sun deck, private swimming pool & tropical gardens and grounds.
Delicious Thai meals are included, as are maid, guide & laundry services. Rice Paddy Villa is a unique base from which to explore the unchanged rural villages, forest temples, markets & rice farms close to the property. Nearby are a World Heritage site,national parks, lotus lakes & places of beauty. Visit us online now!
Pls visit our website for full details: www.ricepaddyvilla.com
Dusche, WC
Balkon/Terrasse, Garage, Garten, Pool, PKW-Stellplatz
Kleinkindausstattung, Klimaanlage
Gasherd, Elektroherd, Kühlschrank, Tiefkühlfach, Mikrowelle, Geschirreinrichtung
Radio, TV, DVD-Player, Stereoanlage, PC mit Internetanschluss, Waschmaschine, Fahrräder, Boot, Ski, Sonnenliegen, Bettwäsche, Handtücher
Reiseführer, Babysitter, Reinigungspersonal, Chauffeur
Seniorengerecht, Kinder, Haustiere, Langzeitmiete
We offer free transfers from Udon Thani airport or train station.
Mitarbeit auf dem Bauernhof, Bootsverleih, Jagd, Fahrradverleih, Verkauf selbsterzeugter Produkte, Übernachtung im Heu
Udon Thani (26 Kilometer)
Udon Thani (21 Kilometer)
Friendship Highway (10 Kilometer)
deutsch, englisch, französisch
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