Country retreat BRISKI

Hütte #9919
51316, Europa, Kroatien, Kvarner Bucht ,Lokve.
Erholungsurlaub, Skiurlaub, Strandurlaub, Urlaub mit dem Hund, Wanderurlaub
There is a bedroom, living room (SATV), bathroom with shower and kitchen with dining room at your disposal (4+1 beds).
The house is 100 meters distant from Lake Lokvarsko and perfect if you want to get away from everyday life.
We should emphasize the vicinity of Čelimbaša, Petehovac, Begovo Razdolje and Platak ski resorts (15-20 minutes by car), skating rink and indoor swimming pool.
You can spend your vacation visiting Lokvarka cave, the Frog museum, as well as touring the country museum situated in Lokve primary school. Nature lovers can walk around the lake (17 km), visit park forest Golubinjak, nearly lakes in Mrzla Vodica and Fužine, National park Risnjak, Zeleni Vir in Skrad and Kupa river source. A frog jumping competitionis is organisaed every year, unique in the entire world.
Dusche, WC
Balkon/Terrasse, Garten, Grillmöglichkeit, Kinderspielplatz, PKW-Stellplatz
Gasherd, Elektroherd, Kühlschrank, Tiefkühlfach, Geschirreinrichtung
Radio, TV, DVD-Player, Trockner, Handtücher
Seniorengerecht, Haustiere, Rauchen erlaubt, Langzeitmiete
Lokve are 40 km distant from Rijeka and 100 km from Zagreb if taking the highway, Delnice exit, old road to Rijeka, you turn to Lokve and then towards the lake. We are 3 km away from the centre of Lokve, right in the heart of Gorski Kotar - Croatia's highlands.
Kutschfahrten, Reitmöglichkeit, Bootsverleih, Snowboard, Tennis, Jagd, Paragliding, Fahrradverleih
Rijeka (45 Kilometer)
Lokve (10 Kilometer)
Zabreb - Rijeka (10 Kilometer)
+385 (0)1 2059 858
+385 (0)99 805 3951
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